UPDATE: Warner Bros has released the first Batman v Superman trailer!
"That's how it starts." RT @ZackSnyder: #BatmanvSuperman #NotBlurry #NotPirated https://t.co/obCsCcPE5A #OfficialTrailer
— Ben Affleck (@BenAffleck) April 18, 2015
And there's more -- Fans going to the IMAX screening on Monday, are in for a treat!
Cell Phone v IMAX. IMAX Event BvS fans will still be first & only to see special IMAX BvS teaser #AFewExtraShotsPlusALittleSwag #NotPirated
— ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) April 17, 2015
#BatmanvSuperman #NotBlurry #NotPirated
— ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) April 17, 2015
More to come..
Image: Warner Bros. via Variety
Okay, so first we want to say that it sucks that some fanboy/girl with a camera ruined all the excitement leading up to Monday's Batman v Superman trailer release.
But when Variety ran the leaked trailer story (spoiler alert) with that top image, all we could think of was.. Suuuupes!
"The highly anticipated trailer for “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” leaked online for a few minutes on Thursday before YouTube quickly took the video down. Shot on a handheld camera or phone, the leaked trailer featured Portuguese subtitles and may have been taken at a Brazilian movie theater. Warner Bros. was supposed to premiere the footage in Imax theaters on Monday. The studio could not be reached for comment. Last year, Disney and Marvel were forced to release the trailer for “The Avengers,” which leaked online prior to its exclusive debut on television."
We have mixed feelings about the leaked trailer, because like cinematographer Larry Fong said earlier..
I think it's unethical and illegal (like piracy). RT @notshawnmadden: @larryfong Out of curiosity can you comment on this "leaked" footage?
— Larry Fong (@larryfong) April 16, 2015
So here we sit, absolutely loving our first look at Henry in Batman v Superman.. yet feeling really guilty about it. Let's see what happens next. In the meantime, the internet can't stop talking about the trailer. Bustle has a cheeky post that you'll want to check out, if you don't mind being spoiled:
7 Best 'Batman V. Superman' Trailer Moments
Here's what everyone else is saying: The Wrap/Business Insider/Entertainment Weekly/USA TODAY/The Independent/The Guardian/MTV UK/The Verge/Mashable
Henry looks amazing as Superman, and you guys agree! -- Our followers on Instagram and Twitter, are being very vocal with their reactions.
Oh my god! Its not showing too much but still looks amazing! Henry Cavill is looking fine 💗 #BatmanVSupermanTrailer https://t.co/eN4bsVZkpc
— Shauna Brady (@ShaunaBrady1991) April 17, 2015
I want #BatmanvSuperman NOW!! I want to see #HenryCavill in that suit, NOW!!
— Tej K. (@CloisLover) April 17, 2015
Henry Cavill looking sexy AF. Per usual
— BlackGirlNerds (@BlackGirlNerds) April 17, 2015
I just watched the Batman vs Superman trailer. I'm so conflicted. I am a Batman fan but Henry Cavill > Ben Affleck.
— Victoria (@torihatesyou) April 17, 2015
I just saw the leaked Batman vs. Superman trailer and I cried because Henry Cavill 😍😭❤💙
— Den Den (@DenCavill) April 17, 2015
So the #BatmanvSuperman trailer leaked online... Henry Cavill, yeah <3
— Mabel (@mabessence) April 17, 2015
Idk how, but Henry Cavill got even bigger for BvS. He looks like a damn monster #trailerleak
— Barry⚡Allen (@PR3ACHr) April 17, 2015
Star Wars trailer AND Batman v Superman on the same day? And both of them look amazing? What a day to be alive.
— Kyle Piper (@kpfettstyle) April 17, 2015
Never mind found it. #HenryCavill is huge! Sexy as all hell too! #BatmanVSupermanTrailer
— JustAmzie (@JustAmzie) April 17, 2015
Loving the new Batman Vs. Superman’ trailer which stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. Film is out March 2016 pic.twitter.com/wCiuWGi4V7
— MarkMeets (@MarkMeets) April 17, 2015
Wanted to thank God for allowing me to see the Batman v. Superman trailer before it was taken down. @ZackSnyder, I'll still be there Monday.
— Greg Miller (@GameOverGreggy) April 17, 2015
i just love Henry Cavill's Superman.
— Sterling Gates (@sterlinggates) April 18, 2015
Indie Revolver claims to have the details of Monday's IMAX presentation of the trailer, and it reportedly includes some really cool goodies for fans who show up! -- READ ALL ABOUT IT and stay tuned for the very latest as we get it.
Comments? thoughts? we want to hear what you think!
HQ caps - See the rest

No shirtless shot from Henry! The first MOS teaser featured Henry shirtless so I was hoping to see a repeat of that.
ReplyDeleteOops, I should state up top: I watched it, and I make vague comments.
ReplyDeleteWow, it looks dark, or "edgy." Poor Supes! He just wants to help. And what the heck, Batman? Why do you want the guy who saved your planet to bleed? Calm down! But that quote re: everyone looks at what he can do, but doesn't ask what he should do is pretty cool. This is such an interesting difference from the campy Christopher Reeve movies. Too bad it won't be out for a long time!
Hmm.. they're probably saving the shirtless for later, the running commentary was very telling of where this is going. Supes looks really tormented in what we think is the best shot in the trailer.. and Batman, we're not talking to you right now. Less than a year to go! it'll be here in no time.
DeleteSuuupes!!! My lovely biutiful Supes! I♥ him so muh-huh-huuuch *weeps*
ReplyDeleteIt's been too looong -- it's gonna be even longer still *creys*
Great! In reference to the linked article, I have my pass for Monday night where I will become an ambassador. What is a special digital asset? Will it require training or licensing? #slightlyconcerned #superstoked
ReplyDeleteHa! - sure it will be awesome, no matter what it is. And being an ambassador sounds *so fancy*
DeleteCan't wait to see that one-sheet!
I'm so fancy! I'm hoping that the ambassadors will receive some sort of sash, perhaps of red and blue. Because, I would wear it.
DeleteIt's a SEA OF RED AND BLUE ON THE INTERNET RIGHT NOW. We may be a tiny bit excited. Don't mean to scare you, but thought about your comment ->> AN OCEAN OF RED AND BLUE ACROSS THE WEB. Okay, we're stopping :)
DeleteMaybe there should be a short film titled, "JJ v Zack."
ReplyDeleteStarring: "Super Jedi." :)
DeleteA.W.E.S.O.M.E. <3 (y) :D
Can • Not • Stop • Watching
ReplyDeleteOh Henry, why do you make such sad and dark movies ? You've got a realy lovely smile. These films are ruining your career. Fortunaly, there will be soon Man from U.N.C.L.E.
SOOOO intense! What a great start to the weekend! I cannot wait to see this film!
ReplyDeletevery nice, thanks for sharing that