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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Henry Talks Starting A Family, Love For Kal, Being A Romantic

UPDATE 8/21: Scans and full stills are in (via)

See the rest at the bottom of the post.

Image: Vanity Fair Italy

Vanity Fair Italy just published its interview with Henry, that was conducted when he was in Rome for The Man from U.N.C.L.E. promo junket in May. It's filled with great insight into his personal life, from surprising the one he loves to the lengths he'd go to protect Kal from harm. We used Google to help us translate the interview, so a few things may sound a bit off but you'll get the context of his answers (and then will fall harder for him). Read on!  

Henry Cavill has two passions: military life and Egyptology. And a mantra: "Be ready for anything." In his latest film, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. by Guy Ritchie, he fittingly plays a special agent. After all, no one becomes Superman by chance.

"I would like to live in the past, to the times of the ancient Egyptians, or the Greeks, or of ancient Rome, the era of the great empires. And the reason is that I am a romantic. But then, I try to be rational and I think the reality of life at the time: Most people died young. Pharaoh Ramses II lived up to 91 years, but cases like his were really rare. The truth is that it was a great experience. It was a time full of violence, disease, brutality." So says Henry Cavill. And if it seems this is an odd way to start our chat, there are a few factors to consider. Cavill is passionate about Egyptology. In addition, our meeting took place in Rome, on the terrace of the Grand Hotel Plaza, with a 360 degree view of the city, including the ruins. The same hotel where some scenes of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. were shot, with the film set to be released on September 2.

Set in the sixties, the period when the TV series that inspired the movie aired, the film tells the story of the unlikely alliance between U.S. intelligence and the Soviets during the Cold War. On the one hand Napoleon Solo, the American played by Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer on the other hand, in the role of the Russian Illya Kuryakin. Together the two spies must defeat a super criminal organization Spectre style, led by the Vinciguerras (Elizabeth Debicki and Luca Calvani). And in the company of Calvani, Cavill tells me, he has got to take an 'archaeological' ride of Rome. "As a hopeless romantic, I said: Think how wonderful to be here at a time when the walls were intact." He (Luca) replied: "Actually most of what you see was built later. The real Rome then is under our feet."

Scan of new photo in magazine issue via @HenryCavill_It 

Are you a romantic only in relation to history? "Oh, no.. in every sense. Towards life, people, women." Let's talk about the latter? "When I love a woman I feel I never do enough to make her happy. What I want more than anything is to see something along the way that makes me think, "This is what would make her really happy." And I imagine the time when I come to her with the gift and the thought fills me with joy. As well as organizing surprises, "special occasions." Does he have plans to get married, to have children? "I hope that happens. Children are not difficult, but it is finding the right person to have them and raise them. Even more so with the work I do." There was a period in his life when he thought of becoming a soldier by profession.What fascinated him about a military career? "I think I'm a soldier inside. Meanwhile, I am very "physical" like my brothers.Two of them are in the military (In all five, in order of age from the oldest: Piers, Nik, himself, Simon and Charlie. The two oldest are, respectively, in the army and Royal Navy, editor's note), as was my father. I can easily imagine myself in that role." A family matter, then? "Not just that. Some of my closest friends have been or are still in the Special Forces. I like that sense of camaraderie that unites them: the relationship they have with their partners, the sadness in their eyes when they speak of those who were killed and at the same time, the comfort they feel knowing that their "brothers" were killed by soldiers. It is for the same reason I love the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans were eras of warriors. Those empires were not created without armies." The violence implicit in all of this does not give you any trouble? "We are all violent. It is through this feature that the human species has evolved. You have children?.." A dog and a cat. "If your animals were in danger would you not defend them? Not attack those who are trying to hurt them? Fortunately, I have never found myself in the position of having to take action to protect someone whom I love, but I guarantee that anyone touching my dog would end up in trouble." 

The Akita that he called Kal-El, the Kryptonian name for Superman, and that his fans have dubbed Super Puppy. You have been shot by paparazzi together a thousand times. "An adorable dog. I miss him, I wish that he were here with me." Going back to the family, I saw that recently he created a company with his younger brother Charlie. "Yes, we founded a film production company. Promethean." In May, when we met, Cavill was still working on what should have been his first film produced (and played), Stratton, focused on the history of an agent of the Special Forces. But last June, a few days before shooting began, he abandoned those plans due to creative differences on the script. "My brother is in the Navy and, as I said before, I have many friends in the military: a story is really important to me and I want to be sure that it is treated in the right way," he had repeated a couple of times. Apparently, he meant it. We owe it to consider a first step towards a future away from the spotlight? "Not really. I like to be an actor, to be the center of the story. But at the same time it's nice to give my contribution to the creative process, and be a producer allows me to do it. It means that if one day I read a book that I like I can decide: "Let's make a movie." And, with my team, I have the opportunity to find the right director, put together the necessary financing. Obviously, if the project is good your gain even more. Much better than just being the guy who tells the story and that makes everyone else around him rich. Not to mention that the more money you make, the more movies you like you can afford to carry." At the top is it the control or the money? "In first place is creativity, which gives rise to greater control. Which is important because I have my integrity and my performance as an actor are of great importance for me. I would find what I did on the set in the finished film, I do not want someone to cut and sew scenes transforming my work into something completely different. As for money, it's wonderful. Despite people pretending it's not true." preferences on how to use it? "I like to spend it. Buy nice things for my family, the people I love, my dog. I like to buy me a good holiday. And support charity." 

If I'm not mistaken he will be Superman until 2019. This means that he will continue training to maintain the same physical shape without a moment of respite in the coming years. "It does not bother me at all. How could I complain of "having to" continue to be Superman? I like physical activity and, when not working, I guarantee that I also have time to relax, without having to think about what I eat. In my family we are all "square". My mother is an incredibly strong woman: how else could she raise five sons? Both she and my father have grown up teaching us a sense of duty. It, however, is not the secret right there? Discipline, discipline, discipline. So the times when you can do whatever you want you enjoy them more." I have read that you have often had to shoot scenes at the limits of physical pain.What was the hardest experience? "In general, what hurts the most is the cold. You're shooting a scene and, in fiction, is the height of summer. In fact it is winter, you are in Canada, it's raining, you have almost no clothes and, of course, you can't show that you are freezing on the outside. And you know that the next day will be the same. And again and again for who knows how many days." Intuition tells me how much he suffered, but he has the expression of one who had fun. "Of course. It is so." He gives me one of the most satisfied smiles, wide and white that I've ever seen.

Your reactions..

Translation contributor: Rebecca (thank you!).


  1. Just clone him already. There simply aren't enough Henrys (Henries?) lol...to go around.

  2. Henry è così bello dentro e fuori...Mi piace il suo cuore...
    Grazie, Henry & HCN :) <3
    Henry...Ti bacio...xo :D <3 <3 <3

    1. Henri...Ti amo....<3 <3 <3 :D

    2. Translation for Anonymous (KB10) August 19, 2015 at 12:35 AM by Rebecca
      Henry is so beautiful inside and out ... I like his heart ...
      Thanks, Henry & HCN :) <3
      Henry ... I kiss you ...

    3. Translation for Anonymous (KB10) August 19, 2015 at 11:22 AM by Rebecca
      Henri ... I love you .... <3 <3 <3: D

    4. KB10 nicely done.
      Rebecca xxx

  3. Henry Cavill should read the
    Pharaoh by Boleslaw Prus ! Love, diseases, brutality all in one. Necessarily!

    1. Hi Katherine , if you are interested you can also read Pharaoh by Valerio Massimo Manfredi ... I quite liked it :)

    2. "Historia est Magistrate Vitae?" --Cicero

      Today would be B. Prus's birthday (born Alexander Glowacki Aug. 20, 1847). His "Pharoah" is of poetry, prose, humor & transcendent beauty:

      "Night was falling. Menes wrapped himself in his gaberdine and replied:

      'Whenever such thoughts assail you, go to one of our temples and look at its walls crammed with pictures of men, animals, trees, rivers, stars—just like the world we live in.

      'For the simple man such figures have no value, and more than one may have asked, what are they for?... why carve them at such great expense of labor?... But the wise man approaches these figures with reverence and, sweeping them with his eye, reads in them the history of distant times or secrets of wisdom.'"


    3. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51MYcgTTzfL.jpg Pharoah

    4. "History sometimes reproduces, at a distance of many years, the same combinations of circumstances that generate great achievements. But nothing ever repeats itself in exactly the same way.”

      “A poet, Hephaestion, sings not to narrate human events as they occur, but to make sure that we have the opportunity of living the emotions and the passions of our heroes even at a distance of centuries.”
      ― Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Alexander: Child of a Dream

      “Ascoltare una bella storia è come sognare, ma poi bisogna svegliarsi e la vita... bé, la vita è un'altra cosa.”
      ― Valerio Massimo Manfredi, I cento cavalieri

      :) KB10

    5. "They passed the Gates of Thermopylae the following day and Alexander stopped to visit the tombs of the Spartan soldiers who had fallen one hundred and forty years previously during their battle with the Persian invaders. He read the simple inscription in Laconian dialect that commemorated their ultimate sacrifice and he stood in silence listening to the wind blowing in from the sea.
      How ephemeral is the destiny of man!’ he exclaimed. ‘All that is left of the thunder of a momentous clash which shook the whole world and an act of heroism worthy of Homer’s verses are these few lines. All is quiet now.”
      ― Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Alexander: Child of a Dream

      "The old man had never seen him before and would not have been able to describe him later, except for his black-and-white checked keffiyeh and his grey jacket worn over a white jellaba. But he knew that he had spoken with the man most wanted on the face of the earth, he who above all others his enemies dreamed of having within their grasp. Abu Ahmid."
      --Valerio Massimo M., Pharoah


  4. Wonderful article. Henry is truly a upstanding man. I loved the bit of insight to his company "Prometheus Productions" I get why Stratton was no longer appealing to him. Truth in his work is very important to him. His love for Kal is heart melting...sigh his love for animals is Absolutely the sweetest and says a lot about his loving nature.
    Love him a million times more<3

    1. Seriously me too! Omg can Henry be anymore amazing aahhh. The whole "when I love someone there's nothing I wouldn't do to make them happy" just kill me now I can't take it!

    2. Lmao! Breathe jacky it's going to be OK! I know that crushed me big time. I'm trying not to think about it:) lol..

    3. Lol.. Total man crushing Henry day. Calm down you two are going to stroke out!
      OK I get it I would totally wig out too if I was a man lover. I would be on that like jelly on a peanut butter sandwhich lol! Oh yea!

    4. Wow love the whole p&j thing lmao! omg jai love you seriously!

    5. Jai you just made me really hungry! Lol! No really. Do I have p&j?
      Love love Henry p&j sandwich!

    6. Man Lover.. Love it:)
      Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry!!!!!
      You know I could go for a Henry p&j right now...hummmm

    7. River, I think I may have tracked you down the cosmopolitan you wanted. Fingers crossed. I'll know in a few days. I'll keep you posted.

    8. P.S I am the only one who covets Henry's cable knit jumper?

    9. No...I love it too...<3 <3 <3 Henri :)

    10. Rebecca I can't thank you enough really:) XXX
      Please if there's anything I can do?

    11. River, fingers crossed it's the right one. It should arrive tomorrow or Saturday.

    12. Thanks again Rebecca:)!!!! Huge HuG X

    13. River, the article isn't in the edition I have been sent (Cosmo can kiss my non-existent arse). However, I have a Plan B. For Plan B to come to fruition we'll have to wait 9 days. Let the Cosmo countdown commence.

  5. Henry has a cat too??:O

    1. That was the interviewer answering the question posed by Henry on whether she had pets. Henry only has Kal :)

    2. Correction: He asked if she had kids. She replied she had a dog and a cat.

  6. Off topic here but, as a lifter of quite heavy weights for an old lady lol, I would love to know what is the heaviest weight he has lifted in the gym? I know, I know, with everything else he said I wonder about this....call me weird or whatever but, and I say this with enormous affection, I already know how 'perfect' Henry is and how humble he is, I want to know how physically strong he is....for once I want to hear him brag about something lol

  7. I'm always impressed by Henry. When he answers a question, he does it with with honesty.
    I love the fact that he does his with integrity & doesn't pimp himself for attention. If he doesn't get the role, well maybe next time.
    And the fact that he's opening up more about his personal life is a plus. He always loved to keep it private. Still shocked that he's older than Charlie Lol.

    I always thought the order was Piers, Nik. Simon, Henry, Charlie. And that because I distinctly remember an article saying he had three older brothers. Maybe I read wrong. 😏
    Like me, I always admire going back in time to the old medieval, ancient days. If give anything to experience that. Loving Egyptology is a plus in my book. I need him to go visit Egypt.

    I'm all for whoever hurts Kal getting punched. Don't mess with Henner's buddy! 💪🏽😂
    As a Scorpio I love Henry's insight on things because he's a Taurus. Those two horoscopes click. We have so much in common. 😉

    Anyways great article. Rock on Henners!! ❤️😘

    1. Hi Kerinah,
      You are correct in the order of his brothers, Henry is the fourth child. I was thinking that maybe that part wasn't translated correctly, or doing the translation maybe it was written incorrectly.

    2. The original article says:-''Due di loro sono militari (in tutto sono cinque, in ordine di età dal più grande: Piers, Nick, lui, Simon e Charlie''. So it's the Vanity Fair article that is incorrect not the translation.

  8. Bello hasta el firmamento!

    1. Translation for Anonymous August 21, 2015 at 6:52 AM by Rebecca
      Handsome up to the sky!

  9. Henry love Egyptology , It's so nice to see hem in Luxor, Egypt once .

  10. What a beautiful man, very opinionated, well educated and has love of family and animals, my kind of guy ❤️��❤️

  11. Henry is so awesome I love him & I love what he loves I love my dog & his dog he is so hot

  12. In a sea of people, my eyes at all times search for you.

  13. Henry Cavill.yiu you a great Actor.You are my Hero and. Much loved.love is beautiful life.😘😘😘😘


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