Picture Gallery

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New Photo: Aimee Bumps Into Henry On A Ferry

Aimee was lucky enough to bump into Henry on a ferry today, and she shared her very cute pic (loving the cap and Durrell sweatshirt!). This past weekend Henry went home to Jersey, to help the charity raise funds at the Ugly Bug Ball. He also reportedly spent some time with the animals at Durrell Wildlife Park. We can't wait to hear more about that visit over on cavillconservation.com soon.

Hang On Korea: Exactly One Month To Go Until U.N.C.L.E.

Today, we're exactly one month away from The Man from U.N.C.L.E. release in Korea.

U.N.C.L.E. is still in theaters in other parts of the world including the U.S. and the UK, and trust us when we tell you, you want to watch it on the big screen!

While we wait for more promo to hit (the movie is also set to open in Japan on November 14), we have some press tour interviews we hadn't posted. Enjoy!

Henry and Armie answer fan questions in this clip.. they're so cute together. Plus they're looking straight at the camera. Always a plus.

Watch for the blooper at the end in this one.. lol Henry.

These next few clips are from the press tour stop in Rome. Henry talked to MTV ChartShow about the challenging fight scene in the restroom, and the truck in the water scene. And then there's the BEST BROMANCE MOMENT EVER.. (at about 2:32). There's also some cute bloopers at the end of this one!

This is more of the coverage by MTVChartShow with footage from the photocall and more of Henry's interview with them. The funny moments continue, with Henry joking with Armie at about 2:47. We also hear from the girls and director Guy Ritchie. The bromance is palpable at 6:47, with the guys talking about their first impressions of each other. Armie: "I was overwhelmed by his good looks, his chiseled body, his muscles, pretty much everything.. there was a whole package there." As to what Henry thinks is Armie's sexiest "part?" (8:47) Henry: "Must be your eyes, they're so sexy. It's your eyes, your eyes are beautiful." And that Guy Ritchie.. he's a funny guy too!

This clip has more from the girls and Ritchie, plus some really cool Henry footage. And Alicia talks about the stunts with Henry. Was he scared? (4:00).

Watching these clips just made us want to watch The Man from U.N.C.L.E. again! -- We still have some really cool stuff ahead, as we count down to the DVD release ;)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Busy Weekend For Durrell Wildlife's Ambassador, Henry Cavill

What rest on Sunday?.. it's another busy day for Henry in Jersey, as he continues his work as ambassador for Durrell Wildlife (read all about Steve's mission). Last night he attended the Ugly Bug Ball, that reached its fundraising goal thanks in part to his efforts. The charity also asked fans for questions for Henry, and his answers are on the way!

Socily shared more about Henry's visit to the park, on her official photo account.

topjerseyphoto: "The weekend was all about Durrell! What would have been the 90th Birthday of Garry...but we were happy to celebrate Badongo's 16th and Indigo's 3rd- he was as cheeky as ever today! And Henry Cavill was back home fundraising at yesterday's #uglybugball and also spent a lot of time today at the park. A great Conservation Programme, a lovely staff at @durrellwildlife and one enthusiastic and lovely, handsome ambassador #cavillconservation-and an amazing cause we all should support! Well done Durrell and happy birthday to the gorillas!"

A photo posted by Jamie (@jloneillart) on

It's important to note that today is a very special day for Henry's gorilla family at Durrell Wildlife. Just like last year, the park is celebrating the birthdays of Badongo and his son Indigo, who turn 16 and 3. What a better gift than having Superman come say hi..

Durrell Wildlife:

"Happy Birthday to Indigo and Badongo!

A birthday celebration will be happening at the gorilla enclosure today at 9.30am. Are you coming to visit our gorilla family today? If not, look out for the photos next week!"

We can't wait! -- UPDATE (9/28): Here's a first look at the two birthday boys opening their presents and enjoying their cake (well, really Badongo enjoying both cakes).

In the meantime, check out Henry's page at cavillconservation.com, where you can buy some really cool stuff (like that shirt at the top) and support him in his work to save endangered species. You can also adopt his gorilla family like Jo, who just received a letter from Henry and the charity, thanking her for her support. And don't miss Henry's message for you!

http://cavillconservation.com/join-henry/ Here's my #CavillConservation Limited Renewal Pack which I got in the mail from @DurrellWildlife last Friday. It includes... . 》Exclusive new photo featuring Henry with Durrell Honorary Director Dr Lee Durrell and my adopted gorilla family in the background, signed by Henry 》Durrell Pin Badge 》Photo of 2 yr old Indigo, the youngest member of Durrell's gorilla group 》A limited edition white custom #CavillConservation Charity Wrist Band, which exclusively affirms I have made my first adoption renewal of Henry and Durrell's gorilla family. If you too would like to get involved and be a part of #CavillConservation, click on the link in my bio. #HenryCavill #DurrellWildlifePark #JerseyCI #DrLeeDurrell #2015DurrellAdoptionRenewal #HenryCavillAmbassador
A photo posted by Henry Cavill 💎 (@cavilllicious) on

Photographer Captures Solo For Russian Cosmopolitan Magazine

We had seen this gorgeous shot by photographer Lorenzo Agius in Cosmopolitan Russia (August, 2015), now we're about to get more details on the shoot/via. UPDATE (10/2): Read the interview with Agius.


Agius recently released some beautiful outtakes from his work with Henry in Ireland for Men's Health magazine back in 2008.

UPDATE (9/29): Thanks to the lovely Rebecca, we have the translated version of the interview with the magazine.

Bearded Armie Hammer and Henry Cavill of the movie “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.”

When you find yourself with Armie Hammer and Henry Cavill at the table, you're covered with a powerful wave of charm and sexuality. To decide which of them is cooler, it’s simply impossible. But it is clear: Guy Ritchie knew whom to cast in the spy comedy - thriller "The Man from U. N.C.L.E." Armie and Henry - famous guys, and after the premiere on August 13 they will not lack in attention. Why wait for the premiere?

My God, two bearded men in one room. What happiness!

Henry: Pure coincidence. The beards are necessary for our work on different films.

Armie: I’m doing a version "Birth of a nation" (directed by) Nate Parker, about the war between the North and the South. I cannot shave under contract, but I like to stroke the beard.

Henry: I too like to stroke your beard, Аrmie.

I can see you're getting along great.

Henry: We only pretend. In life we hate each other. I joke! In truth, while working together we have become friends. My character, the American spy Napoleon Solo and Armie’s, KGB agent Illya Kuryakin throughout the story fight, though they’re involved in an international mission to save the world. But we quickly found a common language, we have almost all the scenes together.

Were there any funny moments?

Henry: What is a funny moment - that is the question? If anything, the answer is "No". Something funny - more than expected. For example, Illya Kuryakin is drowning in the river, and Napoleon saves him. And I dive to a depth, grab Armie, drag him the surface and think, "God, why are you so heavy?" It turned out, Mr. Hammer forgot to detach the leg weight.

Armie: And for me it was the easiest scene. Three days to wallow in a pool of warm water - a dream job! But do not forget the scene in the rain, for us, very gloomy. It was a winter’s day, and although the action takes place in Rome, the flow of ice water from a hose was torture. First cut wasn’t anything, but after five takes, just one phrase, "Okay, start the machine!" caused a shiver.

Yeah, you work hard. There’s a moment: Illya and Gaby (the girl who is being looked after by the agents) are attacked by thieves. They demand that you give over watches and other valuables, and Illya is told to obey the order. It's okay when the women is the boss?

Armie: Yes. I believe that not only men should have the right to manage the situation. Moreover, sometimes we behave like teenagers, women help to resist the aggression, to behave reasonably. A relationship is a partnership in which each is involved.

And in general, would you act so in real life? Would give all without a fight?

Armie: "Give everything" - including life? If so, then I would try to stay alive, no matter what it takes. But if it is just a purse, I would not fight. I have a child at home.

Yes, you do, you became a father a year ago. How does it feel?

Armie: Absolutely incredible. All I did before in my life, can not be compared. Everyday, my daughter learns something new and it’s a surprise, for example, "Oh, this is a soft," "but it's warm," "look around so cool" - To see the world through the eyes of a child - is a gift.

And now how do you see the world?

Armie: fresh. And not so hostile as I thought about it before. I will do everything so that Harper does not see the evil that it is happening.

Speaking of evil. The film is a villain, Victoria Vinciguerra. She is so clever and powerful that is already fighting two spies (..) 

Armie: Oh, strong women are incredibly sexy. You are given the power of nature, and as long as it does not bring any harm, it is not a sin to use. The main thing - to apply it to men with the best of intentions, without the desire to humiliate or crush.

But when Gaby tries to take advantage of her womanly power to seduce Illya, he does not give in. What did she do wrong? Drunk? Poor dancing?

Armie: No, it's not at all that. Just Illya was upset and worried because of the work. Stuck in a foreign country and has to deal with "stupid Americans", then there's some girl who just wants to have a drink and have fun. And he has a difficult day tomorrow, he was entrusted with a very important mission. Women are emotional and for men is much easier to do what must be done, without getting involved in a relationship. Of course, not all of us. For example, I constantly have to deal with emotions, so I’m accustomed to discussing hard topics. But society expects him to be silent in the performance of his duties, therefore, displaying feelings is difficult.

Could you and Henry could be spies in real life?

Armie: No, I am too conspicuous for it. Too tall, you know.

Henry: I would give anything a stab. Although today we are all as spies, tapped phones, information about you everywhere.

Armie: This is why I do not have social networks ...

Henry ... says the actor from the film " The Social Network!"

George Clooney and Tom Cruise auditioned for the role of Napoleon Solo, and you got it, Henry. Are you proud of that?

Henry: I do not think about who could play it instead of me, because it will affect my work. While preparing for the role, I focused only on what Guy Ritchie said, I did not even watch movies about spies. If you're going to compare yourself with others, you will never be who you are.

Armie, what about you captivated Guy? Ilya Kuryakina could have been Christian Bale or Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Armie: Really? Wow, I did not know that!

Henry: Oh, it was necessary to get Bale.

Armie: I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Henry: No, you were the best candidate for this role, but you can not say it.

Armie: Precisely. Thank you friend! Guy's got great taste, and he knows how to influence the perception of the actor in the film. Each of us fit into the overall mood and nobody over tightens the blanket over himself.

Henry: Except Hugh Grant ...

Armie: Oh, yes, one of the funniest people on the planet. You never know what he will say next. You think that would read his cue like this, and he takes and makes it a completely different way, in a way you would not think of. It was great.

Henry: Actually Guy knows how to create a party atmosphere, even at work. Therefore, "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." turned out so fun, witty and stylish.

Speaking of style: you have beautiful costumes. Henry's jackets are even more than tailored than in “the Tudors.”

Henry: It was not easy (..) Everything was sewn in one or two months or had been found as vintage and it's hard for me to pick something - my frame is not friends with fashion.

Imagine that you live in the early 60s. What are you doing?

Henry: I would say, but you could not print it.

Armie: It would be cool to be twenty years old and live in America.

What about "living in Russia?”

Henry: Oh, thanks! Armie, your character is Russian so you should answer.

Armie: This situation would be difficult, not to stick out.

You, by the way, have perfectly represented our accent. Americans rarely succeed.

Armie: I do not like how Russians are portrayed in the movies, and I tried not to look like an idiot because it will remain forever. And Dad was thrilled when he learned about this project. My paternal ancestors are from Russia, since my childhood I have heard the “proper” accent, although I do not speak Russian.

Have you visited Russia?

Armie: I’ve been to Moscow a couple of times. I really liked how the present is intertwined with history: it seeps out of the walls of literally every building. And, of course, do not forget the delicious vodka, which I drank a little too much of. Bearded Armie Hammer and Henry Cavill of the movie “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.”

Contributor: @locarranza (thanks for the link!).

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Henry Back Home, Attends 'Durrell Wildlife' Charity Ball


Henry sure likes to keep us on our toes.. or really he's just a busy charity ambassador.

For the third time this week (1/2) he's at a fundraising event, this time on his home island of Jersey.

Tonight he's attending Durrell Wildlife's "The Glorious Ugly Bug Ball:"

"The Ball will celebrate the life of our late Founder, Gerald Durrell, in what would have been his 90th birthday year.

VIP guests will enjoy a champagne reception, a three course dinner, an auction and dancing to well-known band Inside Job.

The event aims to raise £100,000 for Durrell so that it can continue its global mission to save species from extinction."

As you know Henry represents the charity, fundraising for them last May at the Siam Cup as well. He also has his own page at cavillconservation.com, where you can buy some really cool gear or adopt his Gorilla family in support of Durrell.

"We're thrilled that our Ambassador Henry Cavill has swooped into Jersey to attend our 'Glorious Ugly Bug Ball'. Here he is looking as dapper as ever with Durrell's Press Officer, Rosalie.

We're celebrating the life of our late founder, Gerald Durrell, tonight, in what would have been his 90th birthday year. The fact that Henry is part of this celebration makes it even more special.

If you had the chance to chat to Henry, what would you ask him? Tell us - we might just ask him your question!"


heidininalewis: "Durrell Ball with Henry Cavill #superman #manofsteel #manfromuncle #uglybugball #jersey #durrellwildlifepark."

SophieWols: "Served Superman dindins #Jersey #HenryCavill #Woah"

@MurrayNorton: "Lovely night fundraising for @DurrellWildlife with #HenryCavill £100k raised. Job done! #Superman."

Congratulations to Henry and Durrell Wildlife for a successful fundraising night!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Henry Proudly Represents The RMCTF At The JustGiving Awards

When Henry talks about why he supports the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, you can tell how strongly he feels about the charity, and why he's so connected to it. Tonight Henry is proudly representing the RMCTF in London, after being nominated for 'Celebrity Fundraiser of the Year' at the JustGiving awards. We wish him the best!

UPDATE: Henry didn't win the award, but his work for the RMCTF speaks for itself. He's ALL heart and couldn't be a better ambassador for them. Congratulations on the honor of being nominated.

UPDATE 2: HQ pics shared by JustGiving, along with this wonderful message for Henry:

The JustGiving Awards have been amazing! We're all feeling super emotional - congratulations to our amazing finalists! And thank you so much to Henry Cavill for making our Young Fundraisers fell like the superstars they are. ‪#‎JGAwards‬

‏@HarrisonsFund: "Promised Harrison I'd say hi to Superman."

Listen to Harrison's dad talk about meeting Henry at about 2:24, he truly is an amazing dad and his son is one brave little boy :)

 @HarrisonsFund: "#HenryCavill showing us his moves #JGAwards."

Haha.. Go Henry!

"We meet again Henry Cavill #JustGiving #Superman #OhHi" via Katy.Matthews1

A photo posted by @smudger2kuk on

"Met Henry Cavill tonight #Superman." via Bishograms.

"Henry Cavill: so gutted that thanks to my tipsy selfie unskills this actually looks like I photoshopped myself in…and who’s that cool looking photo-bomber in the background offering up the suave death-stare? Anyone?" - Read this mum's inspirational story.

Adrian Burgess: "So last night I met Superman, he was not impressed when I offered to buy him a kryptonite and Coke... #superman #manofsteel #justgiving"

A photo posted by @cat_ayre on

zorashanti: "Me and Superman. #Literally #Superman"

The after party was held at Beduin. The Daily Mail has a write-up about Henry attending the charity awards, check it out!

New Outtakes From Goodwood Magazine Shoot


There is that sexy beard that we miss!

These two hot pics seem to be outtakes from Henry's ShortList Goodwood magazine shoot in England earlier this year. See everything else from that day, and don't miss his awesome interview

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Henry Looking Sharp At Charity Event In London Tonight

Henry will be at the JustGiving awards tomorrow for his work with the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, but tonight he's dressed to impress at a charity event hosted by Alfred Dunhill in London.

A photo posted by Alfred Dunhill (@alfreddunhill) on

We would have loved to be part of that chat.. Sir David Attenborough, nice! -- It's so great to see Henry supporting causes like the work of the World Land Trust, that mirror his own effort at cavillconservation.com and Durrell Wildlife.

A video posted by Alfred Dunhill (@alfreddunhill) on

Click for *untagged* HQ pics HERE. The rest (tagged) below. 

Clearly the fresh buzz cut and suit getting a BIG thumbs up from you guys..

Pretty much..

More as we get it..