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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Holiday Cheer: Last Minute Gift Ideas Inspired By Henry Cavill

Images: Henry Cavill/Chargunn90/Henry Cavill MX

Henry's festive mood during the holiday season has brought us several updates from London. From a trip to the Royal Opera House to see The Nutcracker, to a fun time at Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland.

We're not sure if Henry is done with all his Christmas shopping, but if you're still looking for some last minute gifts we have some great options for you!

Let's start with the ones that make a difference. As you know Henry is an ambassador for both The Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund and Durrell Wildlife. The RMCTF has a great online store with plenty of items to choose from, including the warm hoodies Henry wears all the time (which tells you how comfy they are).

The money raised by the charity, provides a better quality of life to serving and retired Royal Marines and their families. Here's the link to their store.

And we know you know about Ben the Bat..

Some of you have already received your awesome packets after adopting him.

Here's my #CavillConservation 'Ben the Bat Adoption' pack, which I received from @DurrellWildlife in the mail today. It includes... . 》HQ hand-signed photo of Henry visiting the bats at Durrell. 》Special edition Henry Cavill, bat adoption folder. 》Adoption Certificate to certify I'm an official adopter, contributing to the care of Ben at the Park. 》Bookmark with a photo of Ben the bat, as well as Henry Cavill. 》HQ Photo of Ben the bat. 》Bat fact sheet to discover why these bats need help. 》Thank you letter from Henry and Durrell for my support. 》2 Durrell magazines annually. Members of Durrell's family first got the exclusive news that Henry officially named and adopted the newest addition to Durrell's Livingstone’s fruit bat family via Durrell's 'On the Edge' Autumn/Winter 2015 magazine. Henry named his bat 'Ben' after his @BatmanvSuperman costar, Ben Affleck. How adorable! You too can follow Henry in adopting young Ben. By doing so, you’ll be joining Henry and Durrell in working to secure the survival of this species, by ensuring the future long term viability of the captive population, and in the wild. Just click on the link in my bio, or go to http://cavillconservation.com/join-henry/ #HenryCavill #DurrellWildlifePark #JerseyCI #HenryCavillAmbassador #BenTheBat #BenAffleck #LivingstonesFruitBat #conservation #adoption
A photo posted by Henry Cavill 💎 (@cavilllicious) on

But Ben is not the only furry cutie you can adopt through Durrell and cavillconservation.com. You can also help Henry's Gorilla family and shop at his store, where you can buy some really cool merchandise including t-shirts and hoodies as well.

The best part, is that all proceeds will help save the lives of animals that are facing extinction. This past weekend Santa paid a visit to some of the animals at Durrell Wildlife, and they seemed to be loving their treats!

Another great gift is The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which is now out on home video. It's a steal on Amazon right now, and it comes with some sleek extras! -- Here's the link for you, UK.

And while the Supes collectibles are starting to pop up (doing a separate post on that), Lego is about to come out with some Batman v Superman inspired sets. They don't go on sale until January 1, but the Wall Street Journal gave us a preview. Check out the details on their site. Yeah, we see you Kryptonite..

Don't mess with Lois, Lex.. she looks pissed!

Finally our favorite unique gift idea, came via one of our readers on Facebook. Kevin Orlin Johnson wrote to us:

I have no interest in this item, but somebody pointed them out to me, and -- well, look! 

Yes, you can now order your very own Henry Cavill earrings (don't kill us, Henry).

 Here's the link to them on Etsy. Happy holiday shopping, everyone!


  1. Oh, gad! Those earrings! I just didn't want anybody to think that I'm the one selling them--but they still crack me up every time I see them. I may put a few pair on my Christmas list anyway, and see how many of the ladies wear them!

  2. I'd like to see Henry cavill knickers!!!!!! He it's Christmas

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWowz01V3Qo


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