Picture Gallery

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Henry's Stylish Winter Look As He Steps Out In London

Images: Fameflynetuk via/via/via

Henry was spotted out and about in a chilly London today, looking his usual stylish self. The beard is gone, but he's still sporting the buzz cut from his role in Sand Castle which he just wrapped in Jordan. Now it looks like Supes is on the way, with the Batman v Superman press tour around the corner and Justice League pre-production starting soon.

From the fine group at BuzzFeed.. #MustRead

P.S. We spot the new smartphone! --  See all pics in larger size below.


  1. Wow Henry is looking very stylish and similar to his look on the first season of The Tudors.

  2. What a very good surprise ! Thank you. And he still likes the grey color. Yes !

  3. Dang. And I have a coat very similar to this. It's new. I don't look this good in it. There will be no pictures.

  4. Looking good Henry. At least it's not a hoodie. I'm glad to see him dressed so dapper....so handsome!

  5. Translation for Twitter message by Lady V. Cavill 10:24 PM - 16 Dec 2015 by Rebecca
    Simply splendid.

  6. Translation for Twitter message by Superficial Queen 10:05 PM - 16 Dec 2015 by Rebecca
    When Henry Cavill does a #BackToTheTudors and you die.
    Charles Brandon is back, bitchez!!

  7. Henry....<3 <3 <3

  8. Wow!! need these pics today!! Please dont get me wrong...I love the sweatshirts and jeans...but I am so glad he is sooo styling...His body fits anything perfect...Day dreaming of this outfit today!!!

  9. Always great to see recent pictures of Henry. Oh to be in London!

  10. So handsome it hurts :)

  11. Tara is a lucky girl!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Sweet googilie moogilie. In my next life, I want to come back as that turtleneck.

  13. That coat looks like the same one I saw on either GQ or Tom Ford IG adverts.

  14. I shouldn't be giggling but the 11th picture from the bottom is cracking me up. My Scorpio dirty mind is in wander mode.

    1. Oh I have just had the most amazing thought looking at that picture, and you are so right a good giggle, git to love a bit of Henry....

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. He is reaching for something....;)

  17. Its giivng... modern day Charles Brandon


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