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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Plenty of Supes & Clark In New 'Batman v Superman' Trailer

Henry killing it as both Clark and Supes, in the just released Batman v Superman trailer. Watch it now.

We were lucky enough to be in the audience, when Ben popped in to help Jimmy Kimmel release the trailer.. and shenanigans ensued.

The audience reacted to the new footage (that included that HUGE reveal we told you about), with cheers and a roaring round of applause. Here are a few of our favorite moments, see more screencaps.

Let us know what you thought..


March 25th can't get here fast enough.. Gooooo Henry!


  1. OH MY WORD!!!!!!! I can't stop watching it! it's so good!!!! go Henry! making this comic book dork really happy right now! 4 months is to far away but these 2 trailers will do!!!! so excited!

  2. I absolutely cannot wait to see this movie. It is going to be awesome.

  3. Can't wait................................................................................................

  4. Thank you for using my tweet! That's so awesome! Little things like that get me all geeky happy. :)

  5. Crazy to see the movie!! The trailer is awesome!!


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