Picture Gallery

Friday, April 15, 2016

Henry At 'Huawei P9' Presentation In China, Extended Ad Is In

A photo posted by 康² (@jerrykang1119) on

Huawei is having its big P9 presentation in China following the London launch, and Henry is there! (cracking us up as always)..

Here's a first look from Shanghai, along with this link where you may be able to see some of what went on.

Hot new extended clip from the new P9 ad 


 via mcavoys

A photo posted by Huawei Consumer (@huaweiconsumer) on

We spy Charlie!

via @VessyV

A photo posted by 一只野生林学霸 (@linoopa) on

A photo posted by @yuanxizheng on

A photo posted by 陆嘉敏 (@haley.jm.lu) on

A huge thank you to @SophieLinYF and her friend (Weibo: @阿只只只只只) who shared these pics and video of the Q&A with Henry at the presentation.


See them in HQ

More pics added

You can see these latest ones in HQ below

We really appreciate them sending the pics in -- If you re-post, please credit them.

And check out this lucky girl (she got to give Henry a present). Thanks for sharing.

A photo posted by @marisyzova on

Screencaps from the new video that you really MUST WATCH.

The story continues..

Finally, don't miss the latest photos from the campaign.  Happy weekend everyone!

Contributors: @Ayami0102, @MrCavill


  1. There had a mistake on background. It didn't show that Henry played as Napolen Solo in Man from U.N.C.L.E. , instead of, looks like "U.N.C.L.E. & BvS superman" kkkkkk
    Anyway Henry's suit looks awesome!!!! He is real charming!!!!

  2. Is it me or is his hair darker have they died it for JL1? Either way he looks beautiful as always.

  3. He never stops! Such a hard worker. Love him to death. ❤❤

  4. This seems to be an extended clip for the ad http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUzNTI0NjY1Mg==.html

  5. Looks as though his brother, Charlie, was with him on this trip. I like how close he is to his brothers.

    1. Yes, spotted Charlie! -- Made a mention of it, thank you.

  6. Love the phone! Henry is stunningly beautiful! Great extended clip. As for Charlie it seems all the Cavill men do that same mysterious look love it.

  7. Random question ... are these phones going to be available in the US? They seem to be amazing! PS. H. Cavs is killing it, as always!

  8. Oooooohh, I like that commercial! But, the beard that Henry is growing, what does it mean? Where will Kal-El be when he emerges?

  9. Love the bum fluff...

  10. I think he'll have a beard and his hair may be a little longer when he returns. It won't be for long just until he's back to his old self. Type in superman rebirth or superman black suit. So he's back in China?


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