Picture Gallery

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Photographer Mario Testino Shares Photo With Henry & Scarlett

The Huawei P9 campaign is being rolled out around the world (London/Shanghai), and with it comes the beautiful photography of Mario Testino who was in charge of the shoot in New Zealand.

Don't miss what Henry and Scarlett had to say about working with each other, and stay tuned for everything Huawei P9 now that Henry is the brand ambassador.

Contributor: @primula87_tmblr. Thank you!


  1. Looking good both Henry and Scarlett :)

  2. Sorry that this is in the wrong place but does anyone know if Henry Cavill is still taking part in the Flair Bear rugby mascth for charity or not?

    1. I've never heard of that. When did he mention he'll take part in that????

    2. Looking back at when the charity mentioned him (during the TV rugby introduction) now it seems it was more of them trying to recruit him to participate. http://www.henrycavillnews.com/2016/02/henrys-love-for-rugby-showcased-in-new.html -- They have just announced the celeb team and Henry is not on it, but you also have to consider he can't really risk getting injured during filming. And he's also participating in the Durrell Challenge a few weeks later. But who knows, maybe he'll still turn up in support.

    3. Thanks for clarifying HCN :) Totally understandable about the risking injury too. Would love to see him play rugby at some point in the future, something we haven't seen of Henry yet. Thanks again :)

  3. im confused. is he in new zealand now? or was this taken before everything came out?

    1. This was way before. Lol. He's in London now training for JL.


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