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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Henry Attends London Premiere Of 'Warcraft: The Beginning'

He just shared the best black and white selfie, and tonight Henry attended the London BFI IMAX premiere of Warcraft: The Beginning. As you know, he's a big fan of the game.

Henry recently told the story to Conan, and added a few extra details he hadn't mentioned before. WATCH (at about 1:30).

We hope he enjoyed the film. More to come!

The Daily Mail:

"Superfan: Henry Cavill was first in line to see his favourite video game brought to life on the big screen."

CNET's Senior Editor had a funny moment to share..

See all pics by Dave J. Hogan/Getty Images (via) in HQ 

A few more tagged ones via First Look/Just Jared/Weibo via


  1. hello handsome! and what a sweetheart to pick up that fallen picture! and of course dork! LOL!!! I think of all the suits I've seen him in this one's one of my faves! enjoy the movie!

  2. I remember the first time I saw Henry was fell in love. He's so handsome and so humble with it. Wow my heart always jumps when i see a new picture of him.

  3. Ha!! I hope he didn't ignore any important phone calls from directors during the screening!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Please be nice. I don't get what you gained from writing an entire paragraph of nastiness, but I don't believe this forum is meant to spread mean-spirited and rude thoughts.

    2. May 25, 2016 at 1:35 PM
      Do not know what you typed nor care but....
      Someone needs therapy for all that built up anger inside. Breathe, if you're reading this. Go on Dr Phil, he will help get you a good therapist. And remember this site is for fans not haters.
      Please return to WDW, your sanctuary. And stop clicking on HCN to avoid building more hatred for someone you have some kind of twisted infatuation with. I hope he never encounters someone like you in future. Goodluck and hope to never respond to you in future either.

    3. HCN you must be doing something right, you have secret admirers in the disguise of WDW lol. You go HCN!!

  5. It doesn't take long for the pathetic no life haters to come out.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Then why are you here? Go away jealous fangirl, WDW is calling your name.

    2. And these women call themselves mature. Sad is more like it.

    3. fangirl? more DOC, can't say the full term of that acronym here or it'll be deleted. But I don't understand why they're coming here or attempting to anyway? Can they not read? >>specsavers<<

  7. He looks stunning and so young now his hair is a little longer. Just so handsome!!

    1. I'm loving the longer hair. Just want to put my hands through it

  8. I don't understand what some people get by being mean and horrid towards Henry. What has he done? I can tell you NOTHING! these bullies that what you are need to get a life. Henry you are handsome and a gentleman and a wonderful actor. Keep doing your thing :) #ProudHCFan

    1. Don't worry. It's a select group that like to spread their nonsense around. Boils down to jealousy and no sense of worth at the end of the day. Very sad that these women feel such a way especially towards someone they've never and may never even meet tbh.

    2. It's just 2 people with multiple social accounts from WDW spreading bs and trying to build a posey from it.

  9. HCN does all of this for the fans and gets nothing in return except a bunch of nasty comments from a bunch of loser trolls. We live in a weird world.

  10. Enough with bothering with the hags. They don't deserve the attention. Let's just focus on how glorious Henry looks in that suit. I hope he enjoyed himself.

  11. Man, I wish I could wear a suit like Henry does. I look like a chump. He looks swag.

    So funny, though. His playing this game nearly cost him Superman, but now that he is Superman, he gets the movie version of it! Life is so funny like that!

    1. Yep it's like life came full circle isn't it? Hope he had a great night x

  12. Scrivo per chi si scandalizza tanto come per cose molto comuni nella vita privata degli attori...cosa c'è di tanto strano?? Non sapete cosa fanno i colleghi del Signor Cavill? Forse io vivo in una realtà parallela ..mah!
    L'unica cosa che noto nel signor Cavill è ...che è un personaggio molto mediatico e molto disponibile per strada con i suoi fan, cosa che gli altri attori non fanno, sono molto più distaccati, il volto pubblico è uno e quello personale è un altro.

    1. I think you'll find there's a difference between taking a slight interest in a celebrity's (or in this case, an actor's) personal life and going to the ridiculous extremes these trolls are with pushing their unnecessary hatred around. HCN is a FANSITE therefore the point of this site is to show love and support to Henry Cavill (and those he loves/cares about to a small degree). Constructive critisism is welcome, but when opinions becomes nasty there is absolutely no need for it, especially on a fansite. There are plenty of other boards that seem to relish in such a thing. Someone may not agree with something HC or whoever else does, fair enough but if going to share an opinion at least show respect and politeness when doing so.

      :To HCN admins, I hope I haven't said anything out of place here in trying to get my point across. Sorry if I have :)

    2. Translation for Anonymous May 26, 2016 at 1:09 AM by Rebecca
      I write for those who are scandalized by the very ordinary things in the private lives of actors...what's so strange? You do not know the colleagues of Mr. Cavill. Maybe I live in a parallel reality..mah! The only thing I notice in Mr. Cavill... is he is a media personality and is very available in the street to his fans, something the other actors do not do, they are much more detached, the public face is one and the personal another.

      Please note that 'mah' is an Italian expression (not slang) which means a feeling of doubt, like who knows, I don't know, we will see etc. There is no translation in English. xxx

  13. Ho scritto in italiano, forse nella traduzione è venuto fuori un diverso discorso.In sostanza sono d'accordo è ciò che volevo dire, come è stato fatto nel commento, poco prima di questo mio ultimo.

    1. Translation for Anonymous May 26, 2016 at 3:41 AM by Rebecca
      I wrote in Italian, perhaps in the translation it came out differently. Basically what I wanted to say is, I agree with what was in the comments.

  14. This bullying has to stop! leave Henry alone you don't agree with whom he's dating tough! or his choices in life get over it & yourselves. Henry doesn't owe anyone anything! He's great human being with a heart of gold. And some of you trolls wonder why he might shy away or not be as open. Henry if you ever read this, I think you're wonderful. xx

    1. Amen! Henry looks great in a suit & in anything tbh. That jawline is coming back YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Okay guys, deleted that last bit because why give it more attention. Have a great Thursday.

  16. I really hope that warcraft movie was made by a hardcore warcraft player, otherwise they're screwed. Can't wait to see which screening he attends next.


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