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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Supes Rockin' The Green In Miami: Justice League Edition

You guys ready to die a little?..

The awesome nerdiness of Supes makes our job so much more fun.. :p

A photo posted by "PEGASO" TIAGO GARZA (@santiagogarza_) on

Thanks M_a_Mess!


  1. Now THAT is more like it! In Superman shape yet still representing JL! The colour suits him too! 😊

  2. Looking great. Sadly the questions have already started with these guys posts...Was he with anybody?? Unreal.

    1. Is it bad that I wish one day someone who posts a fan pic would tell these silly people to mind their own business (I wanted to put a naughtier word but I don't want to get banned lol)

    2. They need to get a life a leave Henry alone, he's got a girlfriend it never ended she's lovely and they are together. Be happy for him, his family support him and her so get a life hatters and just be a good supportive fan and concentrate on tour own lives....enough said enjoy your vacation....

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. BUT... IS KAL THERE? Where's superdog. He should've named his dog Krypto (the super-dog) c;

    7. Why do people leave comments like they know anything about his personal life?

    8. You don't need to know someone personally to see the obvious.

    9. The man is happy and has been for months on end. You do the math. Haters guna hate! True fans will support him no matter what as long as he's happy because at the end of the day a fan is a fan of someone because of their work nothing else.

    10. Exactly! Henry needs to blast some of that 'haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate' song, real loud. Like seriously. Amy Adams did, but she did it on, was it twitter or an interview? Anyway, she made reference, when it came to haters hating on BvS.

    11. LOL!!! The person who asked if he was with anybody has deleted her comments on their posts. Hopefully she realized how ridiculous she was being.

    12. It's either:
      1) The fan who posted the pic deleted them.
      2) The person deleted them themselves to erase traces of them stalking (didn't work, we all have eyes lol)
      3) The person was reading here and saw we were talking about how they are stalkers
      LOL I'm hoping it's #1 so as the fan wants no BS on their posts but either way just LOL!! Hi stalkers (waves)

  3. Is there a color that he doesn't look good in? Never been a fan of green but dear God. He looks great.

    1. Ryan Reynolds wouldn't mind. Lol.
      (For anyone who didn't get the reference: ryan reynolds played green lantern).

    2. I know I waisted 5.50 for a ticket. I am so hyped about JL. He looks good n that shirt.

  4. Translation for @jhondesousa by Rebecca.
    When you meet SUPERMAN (Henry Cavil)

    1. I want to meet all the best Supermen. Unfortunately, Christopher Reeves passed when I was only 9. He was the only person I knew as Superman at the time and my fave one of them all. However, my tops are:
      1. Christopher Reeves
      2. Tom Welling (And the fact that he actual met CR)
      3. Henry Cavill
      4. The new Atom on Television: Brandon Routhe

      That's about it, till the future Superman. But in my Generation, those 4.. 3 shall I put it, are the golden Supermen and deserve a fricking award just for that! (excluding atom because he's atom now).

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I'm sorry, but I have to delete your comment. Don't worry, we'll moderate.

    2. I was only backing you guys up using a source I could have taken direct reference from easily. I post as me for a reason, I've nothing to hide and got a bit frustrated sorry :/

  6. When people believe tabloids (rolls eyes)

    1. Not believing entirely that remark was made at me, read the last question of Henry's interview in men's fitness. I know why my last post got taken off hence why they said they were going to (I'm not a moderator sadly and caught onto a thread before the HCN guys did) I don't buy into tabloid BS I believe in helping stop it, i am in the UK and there is a slight delay in when posts get shown x

    2. I never saw your previous posts before they were removed so have know idea. The last point of that article if I remember right, is of Henry saying he doesn't disclose details anymore or something to that effect, I can't quite remember. That in no way means he's single or split up.

    3. Basically (without getting into trouble) folk were starting to go off subject of the awesome photo and I politely said we should be supporting Henry no matter what and that as you said, he wanted to keep cards close to his chest. I'm not jumping on the is he isn't he band waggon that's not what I'm about x

    4. So why was your comment deleted then if thats all you mentioned? Tbh though Henry stated that it doesn't mean anything has changed, just that he didn't want to elaborate further which is understandable given the crap he and they both received with other interviews. The poor guy can't win.

    5. If I were him. I would do things to get the media and obsessive fans off of my close ones back. I mean living up to people expectations must be tough. Feel sorry the guy.

    6. Cause I'm not a moderator and possibly acted too much like I was one (I did get a bit frustrated to be fair) I admire and respect Henry to bits, he's a fellow Brit and just 7 months older than me and has inspired me hugely. He's a diamond and we are lucky to have someone like him who is happy to share his gift and interact with people like he does and the support should extend to who he is with too and nothing negative has ever come from me in that way either. Let's hope Miami brings him a lot of new adventure :)

    7. Charlotte Cooper. I read your remark and quiet Frankley think you gunned for the person saying he was still with his girlfriend, it's obvious he is still with her, the rumour that they had split was proberley down to haters being unkind about her and him, and to be honest there has been some very unkind remarks on many Web pages and tabloids. Henry is happy his private life is his business not ours,I find it very funny you commenting on that persons post when you have no idea whether they know either of them. I personally think that person is vlose to one of them. Lets all be happy for Henry and hope he had a relaxing time in Miami whoever he is with. Good luck Henry.

    8. AnonymousAugust 23, 2016 at 2:32 PM

      I've made plenty of spelling mistakes myself. You are not alone. And I also agree with everything you said.

    9. I was not gunning for anyone. I made a general post about everyone speculating about whether Henry is with any one or not as why should it matter. I don't believe it was a direct reply either and if you have read my previous posts you should know what I'm about so I think you've just made a judgement call on me which isn't fair.

    10. Whoa, hi from Worcester. I caught onto an argument between some folks who were going on about who is Henry with, what he is doing etc (completely off topic for this post so I tried to pull it back around) I'm a genuine believer and supporter of Henry for quite deep reasons and I'm not one of those who are worried if the guy is single or not. I have looked again where my post was (underneath the ruckuss so not a direct reply) I am a captain for my team for the commando challenge in October, I've had food rapport with HCN on instagram as a result too and I've just been left a bit shaken up to be honest by what I've just been hit with.

    11. Okay guys. Let's move it back to the reason for this post like you suggested please.. still have a big smile over that shirt!

    12. My comment got removed. I was saying I apologise for the outcome of that, since the person who posted didn't.
      I understand and "food" lol.
      You seem like a genuine fan who could care less of what goes on around his private life.
      By the way, is there an exact date for the commando challenge?

    13. Hi, thanks for having my back there, my team honoured the date Henry set via his page which is Saturday 8th October it's also on the 9th. Guys @HCN, sorry for going off track myself but I felt like was backed into a corner and misjudged but I know my intentions are genuine, I wouldn't be preparing to go through mud and tunnels If I wasn't, besides those lantern top photos? Yep I'm heading back to the gym to work on my agility and weight lifting skills ;)

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. SuperCav-El beautiful in green. Thanks for sharing, y'all (y) :D <3

  8. So, Gal had a Batman tee on Sunday and now Henry is rockin' the Green Lantern tank, not mention a vicious pair of biceps. Add in a little Clay Enos action and we have news coming. Big news.

    1. Let's speculate as to what other characters the other members of the JL will represent. Affleck will sport a pair of wicked good Flash high tops, Momoa will break out a much unexpected Shazam hoodie (while drinking Guinness, duh), Ray Fisher will be seen with a #Booster Gold Life tee and Ezra Miller is destined to wear a Martian Manhunter trucker hat (are those even still a thing?).

      What say you?

    2. OK what's a Martian Man hunter?! Or may I add full on jedi yoda top for Ezra, black panther for Ben and possibly Henry ending up in a night wing top? ;)

    3. anonymous @ 6:52 this video.. https://www.instagram.com/p/BJc28vtB3el/?taken-by=prideofgypsies&hl=en Jason is such a free spirit.

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