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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Henry Invites Fans To Join Him At 'The Durrell Challenge'

The Durrell Challenge is less than one month away so I finally dragged myself out for a run! It was neither far nor fast but it was a run ;). There is still plenty of time to start training and/or fundraising. Just go to the link in my bio and all the info you need is right there! 13k of beautiful Jersey scenery on the 13th of May and absolutely no hills whatsoever.....none.....not one 🙄. Annnnnnd you can bring your kids. Not necessarily for the run...unless you're that kind of monster(disclaimer: I'm not suggesting to anyone that you force your kids to run 13k....even though that would make them serious badasses....which is still not a suggestion) but there is a Superhero Safari and Really Wild Day around the zoo where the kids(and you) can learn all about the many endangered species that Durrell is working tirelessly to save. #DoItForDurrell #MaybeACoupleOfHills
A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

So... they're baby hills are they?

Henry's humor coming through in his new post,  as he invited everyone to join him at The Durrell Challenge on his native island of Jersey next month.

Like he mentioned, there will be tons of fun things to do at Jersey Zoo even if you don't try to keep up with him during the run (which some of you did last year!).

The event raises funds for Durrell Wildlife, that works to save endangered animals all over the world. So even if you can't make it, please consider donating.

For all the details visit doitfordurrell.com.

See everyone there!


  1. Omg! Please share pictures if you can get one with Henry. So awesome. I'm excited for you. The U.S. is too far away or I would be there with bells on! That's a figure of speech of course! But if it would get me noticed by Henry I would do it.

  2. I would love to help out thank you for the update and your beautiful face cheers


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