Henry looking great in hot red, as he posed for photos with Shireen and others at the Fort Lauderdale Air Show today. We hope he's having a blast on his birthday!
He's been getting birthday wishes from all over the world, so don't forget to leave yours on his official Instagram and Facebook pages.
A few other lucky fans caught up with him later. Thanks for the photos everyone!
BrasileiraMia: "So when you meet Henry Cavill #superman #cincodemayo ... and you know the only Superman is the one in your life! Very nice guy indeed."
christina.laura: "Celebrating Cinco with Henry Cavill"
Helga Oliveros: "When you have been working all weekend and are sweaty, feel exhausted, look like crap and run across this guy. Thanks Henry Cavill for making my day, you are not only hot but nice too."
via ChrstineFDZ
Happy Birthday Henry!!*sends big bear hugs* It's a lovely day. *smiles* We're celebrating aswell, wherever we are all over the globe. Wow, Henry's in red and today I'm too! *big smile* Love and Blessings, D.