Picture Gallery

Friday, August 23, 2019

Go Wild Gorillas: Meet 'Dynamic Hero'

Go Wild Gorillas is celebrating "Character Culture" this week and Dynamic Hero fits right in!

Comic book artist Kenneth Rocafort collaborated with Henry to create the vibrant sculpture that is now part of the art trail on the island of Jersey.

We had the chance to talk to Kenneth, Henry, and Durrell Wildlife CEO Lesley Dickie about the project that is raising money for a new gorilla home at Jersey Zoo.

Learn all about Henry's adopted gorilla family and how you can get involved at gwg.durrell.org

And don't miss Henry's interview with the Bailiwick Express.

Dynamic Hero will be auctioned off in November.


  1. I wonder how much Henry's gorilla raised at the auction?

  2. Thanks for finally talking about >"Go Wild Gorillas: Meet 'Dynamic Hero'" <Liked it!


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