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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Henry Invites You To Participate In Durrell Challenge Virtual Run

The Durrell Challenge is almost here and Henry shared a video today highlighting why he's committed to working with Durrell as the charity's ambassador.

A little something for you all during the warm up to the Durrell Challenge. Now, I'm fairly sure that some of the lines in this video are scripted, although I actually have met a child who fancied eating slugs....not saying it was James Haskell, but it might have been. Regardless of some questionable life choices for humans, this is indeed heart warming and also a little sad. In truth, it shows how important Durrell really is. These are just some of the species that Durrell is working incredibly hard to help survive looming extinction. I know that I don't want the little gems in that video to be the last ones when they grow up, which is why I do what I do. If you want to have a go too, we have the Durrell Challenge coming up. Check out the link in my bio to see how you can take part from your home town. #DoItForDurrell @Durrell_JerseyZoo @TheDurrellChallenge @JamesHaskell
A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

Again, here is the link to register for the Virtual Durrell Challenge that is set for September 27. If you register as a VIP you get a lot of cool perks.

Let's do it for Durrell!


  1. This is a great, and very moving video. I really respect that Henry is selective about his charities, and chooses ones that mean so much to him on a personal level.

  2. Henry is the hero we needed but dont deserve!! What a beautiful, devastating, powerful, vital message! A sad but brilliant video. As humans, we need to realise that we are part of our local ecosystems..and that what happens directly to one species/component/service, indirectly affects everything else.
    Do it for Durrell...don't let them be the last one!!

  3. His good heart warms my heart.

  4. Such a simple, moving and powerful message. I am so proud to be Henry's fan and even more so knowing things like this are near and dear to his heart.

    Henry😍, you make the world a better place...for all creatures great and small. Thank you🥰

  5. How adorable are these gorgeous messages from our lovable animal friends and friends.absolutely love this and his heartfelt love for all animals and creatures ❤😊🙏🤗😍


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