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Friday, June 18, 2021

'The Witcher' Season 2: New Geralt Teaser Is Out


Geralt is back in a new teaser for Season 2 of The Witcher on Netflix. Henry shared this first look and we're more than ready to find out what kind of threats Geralt will face when the show returns later this year. 

We're expecting to learn new details about the series during WitcherCon next month. Read all about it, in our wrap.


  1. Finally Geralt 💖🥰😍

  2. Yes, finally Geralt! Afterall, you can't have "The Witcher" without The Witcher Henry Cavill. 🥰

  3. So,so,so looking forward to this. Henry is such an amazing Geralt 🥰👏👏👏👏

  4. I missed him! I can't wait to get my favorite Witcher back!

  5. Can hardly wait!
    Henry😍, looking forward to seeing what incredible things you and all involved with S2 Witcher have created. It will be pure magic❣

    Thanks HCN🤩 for keeping us up-to-date!

  6. I missed Geralt and his gang, particulary Yen, Ciri and a friendly bard, Jaskier. I can't wait to have them back. I hope in the witchercom to get the full trailer in HD and s2 won't disappoint. Please let it be on par with the fantstic books and also give us a lot of new scenes between Geralt and Yen and let's see the family together! manifesting!!!

  7. My beloved Geralt😍 how I missed you! I love you so much and I can't wait to see your next adventures.

  8. My baby Geralt is back ❤️. Hopefully in s2 we'll get more of him and his background, the trial of the grasses, Visenna, Vesemir and him and Yen. Loved s1, I hope I'll love s2 even more!


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